Keystone Fundamentals Cases Segment

September 09, 2024-December 13, 2024

Block Lead
Martin Schmidt, PhD
Professor, Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics

Course Description

This course component within Keystone Fundamentals serves as the introduction to foundational science, integrating core disciplines of anatomy, histology, immunology, genetics, pharmacology, biochemistry, pathology and microbiology into a case-based, clinically-relevant exploration of the body and its functions. Keystone Fundamentals also integrates the key threads of social medicine, critical reasoning and interprofessional skills to help prepare students for Organ Systems education and Clerkships experiences.

Course Objectives

  1. Command a thorough foundation of anatomical structure as a pre-requisite for performing a competent physical examination
  2. Describe the major metabolic pathways and understand how they are regulated to maintain homeostasis
  3. Describe the organization, replication and expression of the human genome
  4. Assess normal and disease states at gross anatomical and histological levels 
  5. Describe pathogenesis and etiology of infection
  6. Describe the principles of immunology and the mechanisms of tolerance
  7. Integrate basic science concepts with clinical reasoning.

Educational Methods

  • ​Independent learning modules (pre-recorded)
  • Interactive small group activities in a highly supportive environment
  • ​Medium group or large group learning
  • Review sessions
  • Formative and Summative assessments
  • Visual Human Atlas Laboratory (histology, pathology, and radiology, etc.)


Evaluation for this phase of the course segment is based on 2 cumulative Summative exams (midpoint and final)..


Requests for excused absences should be submitted via Elentra. Unexcused absences may result in grading penalties as outlined in the Policy on Absence and Attendance.