Curricular Design Subcommittee

The key tasks of the Curricular Design Subcommittee are to provide guidance on pre-clerkship course strengths and growth/realignment opportunities with attention to: Lead/Director vision, course evaluations/feedback, student learning, course objectives, 3RC pedagogical philosophy, global architecture of the Foundations phase (MS1/MS2), and how the Foundations phase complements the 3RC curriculum (MS1-4) as a whole. The areas of responsibility span pre-clerkship courses as well as integration of basic sciences content across the 3RC curriculum.

The Curricular Design Subcommittee is comprised of School of Medicine faculty members, including both clinicians and basic scientists.

Curricular Design Subcommittee Charter


Chair: Lisa Borghesi, PhD
Assistant Dean for Foundations

Co-Chair: Kathy Senko, Ed.D.
Instructional Designer at Health Sciences Information Technology

Allison Serra, MD, MPH
Assistant Professor, Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, Maternal-Fetal Medicine & Faculty Director of Program Evaluation

Claire Yanta, MD
Associate Professor of Neurology

Drew Klein, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine

Greg Null, MA
Director of Program Evaluation, CQI, and Accreditation

Joseph DeCicco

Kathy Senko, Ed.D.
Instructional Designer at Health Sciences Information Technology

Martin Schmidt, PhD
Professor of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics

Mazin Rahman

Rob Powers, PhD
Associate Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences

Steve Truschel, PhD
Assistant Professor of Cell Biology

Vincenzia Vargo