About the Commitee

The curriculum committee (CC) was organized in 1991 as a standing committee of the faculty with student representation and was given responsibility and authority for all four years of medical student education. 

The curriculum committee consists of medical students from each class and the MD/PhD program and up to 20 faculty members.  Faculty members include a combination of full, associate, and assistant professors, both tenured and non-tenured. Both basic science and clinical departments are represented on the committee. Each medical school class elects its representatives to the committee. Appointment of faculty and students to the committee is by the dean. Additionally, the committee may include up to four members who are nominated and elected by the faculty. Meetings are generally held bi-monthly. 

The committee forms task forces and subcommittees as needed to address curricular needs or initiatives. 

The central governance structure facilitates the planning of curricular innovations and the implementation of new initiatives because the CC has the authority to carry out its mandate.

Curriculum Committee Charter