Curriculum Mapping and Integration Subcommittee

The Curriculum Mapping and Integration Subcommittee monitors the curriculum hour-by-hour to ensure the curriculum is teaching and assessing students in institutional learning outcomes and meeting the mission and goals of the School of Medicine.

Among their duties is the responsibility to identify unanticipated gaps and redundancies in the curriculum that could affect the amount of instruction in particular learning outcomes and subject areas.  These subjects include broad areas where small changes might go unnoticed (e.g., pathology) and narrower subjects where a small change might dramatically alter the depth to which a subject is covered (e.g., child abuse).  The committee proposes recommendations on content placement, integration, coordination, and prevention of unnecessary repetition.

The Curriculum Committee Mapping and Integration Subcommittee comprises faculty, administrators, staff, and students interested in and knowledgeable about the curriculum across all four years. It is chaired by one faculty member and one member of the OMED mapping core.  The committee presents its findings to the Curriculum Committee annually and as needed throughout the year.

Curriculum Mapping and Integration Subcommittee Charter


Jennifer Steiman, MD
Co-Chair; Assistant Professor of Surgery

Katie Maietta, MPPM
Co-Chair; Executive Director, Office of Medical Education

Alexander Olawaiye, MD
Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences

Alyssa Young, MLIS
Research and Instruction Librarian

Amanda Casagrande, MD
Assistant Professor, Medical Director of University Family Medicine

Andrew McCormick, MD, FAAP
Associate Professor of Pediatrics

Andrew Wickerham, MD, MPH, MBA, FACP
Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine

Anna Zemke, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Medicine

Colleen Ebbert, MD
Department of Family Medicine

Craig Dobson, MD, FACC, FAHA
Associate Professor of Pediatrics

Franklin Peiffer
Project Manager | Education Technology

Isabela Angelelli, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor

Jane Taylor, MD, MsCR, FAAP
Associate Professor of Pediatrics

Jodi Maranchie, MD
Associate Professor of Urology

Kathy Senko, Ed.D
Instructional Designer at Health Sciences Information Technology, School of Medicine

Kathy Wunderle, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine

Khoa Nguyen, MD
Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology

Madhavi Ganapathiraju, Ph.D
Associate Professor of Biomedical Informatives

Marie DeFrances, MD, PhD
Professor of Pathology

Michelle Sergent, MPH, MSL
Project Analyst, OMED